22 September 2019 – 24 November 2019
Modern image consumption and production are increasingly designed to satisfy our longings and fantasies while at the same time stirring them up: live streams, food pornor unboxing videosare among the screen-based phenomena from the realm of digital desire and fetishes that fathom the limits of the obsessive, intimate and perverse. These phenomena flourish thanks to our desire to see and can give us a sense of belonging, participation or demarcation. The exhibition Schaulustuses artistic and cultural manifestations to explore the interplay of gaze and desire, the role of the image and the legitimacy of the gaze against the background of the contemporary networked image.
The lust to look shall be negotiated in different subcategories. The theme of intimacy explores the border between the voyeuristic interest of the viewer, the photographic intrusion into private spheres, and the voluntary surrender of privacy. Through phenomena such as food pornor selfies, the normalization of the gaze and the standardization of images are to be addressed. Furthermore, it is to be examined how a feeling of comfort, contentment and security can be generated by means of pictures. As a counterpart, the social retreat made possible by images, the promotion of addiction-like behaviour and the image as a proxy for real life will also be investigated. The commodification of the image, technophilia and the creation of new images by artificial intelligences, which both awaken and satisfy new possibilities of seeing and the desire to look, will also be explored.
With Sophie Calle, Hannah Collins, Marine Dias Daniel, Jake Elwes, Seiichi Furuya, Paul Graham, Gregory Eddi Jones, Andy Kassier, Andy King, Marianne Müller, Christof Nüssli, Annelies Štrba, Shengze Zhu.
Curated by Danaé Panchaud and Miriam Edmunds.
Upcoming events
Guided tour in German
Saturday 2 November at 14.00
Tour & talk with the curators: image as proxy
Sunday 24 November at 15.00
Schaulust is a cooperation with Fotomuseum Winterthur in the context of SITUATIONS.

Andy King, You Are All I See, 2019

Shengze Zhu, What Has Been Will Be, What Will Be Has Been, 2019

Andy Kassier, Naked Snow, 2015

Marine Dias Daniel, 24 heures sous surveillance, 2019

Jake Elwes, Digital Caress, 2015

Andy King, You Are All I See, 2019

Gregory Eddi Jones, #6, from the series Another Twenty-Six Gas Stations, 2014

Shengze Zhu, What Has Been Will Be, What Will Be Has Been, 2019

Marine Dias Daniel, La femme nue, 2018

Seiichi Furuya, Portrait of Christine Furuya, Graz, 1979
© Seiichi Furuya | Courtesy Galerie Thomas Fischer, Berlin

Annelies Streba, Filmstills aus Dawa-Video, 2001

Christof Nüssli, Splash, drip, drip, woo, splash, ayy, 2019

Jake Elwes, Machine Learning Porn, 2016