Exhibition tour: Prix Photoforum
19 December 2024, 17:30 – 18:30
“Family Histories Revisited: What Remains?”
Join us for an exclusive exhibition tour that offers deeper insights into the works of the artists featured in this year’s Prix Photoforum 2024. Explore themes of family and memory through the lens of Nina Pacherova, Lisa Karnadi and Tianyu Wang. This tour shows how personal archives, migration experiences and social structures shape identities and family histories.
•Nina Pacherova (We Will Not Tell Daddy!) investigates the phenomenon of “sharenting” and the ethical implications of parental oversharing through speculative video installations.
•Lisa Karnadi (Homebeing) uses photogrammetry and family archives to reflect on her migration journey and the emotional connection to her childhood home in Jakarta.
•Tianyu Wang (Hiding and Seeking) challenges patriarchal structures within the family by using the self-portrait to symbolise resistance and transformation.