Kunsthaus | Kunsthaus-Sammlung | Photoforum | Kunstverein Biel | Filmpodium Biel | espace libre

Roger Guaus – THE HUB

CHF 25.00

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Roger Guaus

12 cm x 30 cm
48 pàgines
21 imatges
Edició de 600 exemplars
Tiratge offset

Disseny de Roger Guaus i Estudi Bicoté
Imprès a Barcelona

Publicat el juny de 2013
ISBN 978-84-941484-0-8

Nur in die Schweiz lieferbar / Livraison uniquement en Suisse / Delivery only to Switzerland.

→ Exposition Ca l’Isidret @ Photoforum Pasquart 2018

3 vorrätig



A hub is an interconnecting centre, which, in the field of computer networks, implies, by definition, collision. The project offers the reader this chance of collision, inviting them, via their enjoyment of the images, to participate with their own conflicts and contradictions.

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Roger Guaus – THE HUB – Photoforum